How to Draw a Barking Gecko

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Barking Gecko in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Barking Gecko.

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How to Draw a Barking Gecko - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: The barking gecko is a type of lizard that lives in Australia. Its name comes from the barking sound it makes when it feels threatened. To draw a barking gecko, draw a slightly bumpy backwards ‘C’ shape.

Step 2: Add a circle for an eye, and add a couple of lines to add eye details. Then draw a line for his mouth. Many geckos lick their eyes after they eat to keep themselves clean.

Step 3: Draw a long sloping line for his back.

Step 4: Draw a narrow ‘L’ shaped leg, ending in five little ‘fingers’.

Step 5: Draw a short line for his belly, and then add another ‘L’ shaped, only backwards this time!

Step 6: Add a small curved line on his back for the other back leg.

Step 7: Then add his tail. Geckos, like many lizards, can regrow their tails if they come off. A barking gecko’s first tail is black with bands of white, but any new tails will have a different pattern!

Step 8: Lastly, draw lots of tiny circles in rows on the gecko’s back and tail to make his bands. Barking geckos are reddish-brown with a pale belly and bands of yellow and white spots on its back. Feel free to draw your own pattern on his tail!

Interesting Facts about Barking Geckos

The barking gecko is a lizard that is native to the southern regions of Australia, hence why it is also called the Australian barking gecko. These creatures get their name from the barking sound that they make when they feel threatened. Another commonly used name for them is the thick-tailed gecko.

Did you know?

  • They are nocturnal, which means that they are mostly active at night. During the day, they stay inside dug-up holes in semi-desert rocky areas.
  • They are about 5.5 inches long. Those that live in the state of Western Australia are larger than ones that live in other parts of the continent.
  • They have a reddish-brown body with yellow and white spots across their head, back, and tail.
  • Barking geckos are very popular pets.
  • Their average lifespan is 10 years. In captivity, they are known to live for up to 15 years.
  • Having a thick tail is a sign that the barking gecko is healthy. Females that recently laid eggs have thinner tails.

Barking geckos are insectivores. Their diet includes locusts and crickets. They also hunt for cockroaches and huntsman spiders. Once they spot their prey, they wag their tails then pounce on them. Unlike humans, barking geckos eat only once every three to four days.
