In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Corncrake in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.
The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.
Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.
At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Corncrake.
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How to Draw a Corncrake - Step-by-Step Tutorial
Step 1: Give your Corncrake a long round head by making two lines that connect into a short, slightly rounded beak.
Step 2: Draw the large eye of your bird by making a circle that is nearly completely filled in at the top of its head. Draw a line on the beak for where it would open.
Step 3: Now draw the long body by making one line from the bird's neck that slightly curves out at the bottom and one longer line for the back of the bird that curves up into the bird's body at the end.
Step 4: Attach the tail to the end of the bird's back line and create several loops for the rounded tail feathers.
Step 5: Draw the bird's long skinny legs using two lines for each one that connect at the bottom into four points. There should be one point at the back of the feet and three longer points for the toes.
Step 6: The wing should be a simple curved line that connects from the tail up to the neck.
Step 7: The final step is to add the bird's feather pattern by drawing lines of various shapes and sizes like the ones seen in this picture.
Interesting Facts about the Corncrake
The corncrake (Crex crex) is a small to medium sized bird. Corncrakes breed across Europe and Asia, and migrate to Africa in the winter. Although their numbers have dwindled in the UK, they are still common in Asia.
Did you know?
- The scientific name, crex crex, refers to sound of the call the corncrake makes.
- Males and females are similar looking, with yellow brown feathers and grey faces.
- After migrating, the male reaches the breeding ground and immediately starts calling to attract a female. Once they have mated and the female begins laying eggs, the male leaves to find another female.
- Corncrakes build their nests on the ground of out sticks and leaves, and females lay two eggs a day, resulting in 8-12 eggs laid in a season.
- They usually nest in grasslands and occasionally in wheat, since they need the cover of tall grass to help keep them hidden.
- However, due to their preference of farmland, domestic animals and farm equipment often destroy nests before the eggs have hatched.
- They mostly feed on grain, seeds, worms and occasionally small lizards and mammals.
Lesson plan note: Discuss how the color of the corncrake and its chosen nesting grounds would work together to help this usually secretive bird remain safe from predators.