How to Draw a Rhesus Macaque

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Rhesus Macaque in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Rhesus Macaque.

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How to Draw a Rhesus Macaque - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Start by drawing the outline of the head and ears

Step 2: Draw the face and the ears. Make the outline of the face and then fill in the features. The eyes are two almonds, the nose is a backwards L, and the mouth is a horizontal line with a vertical line in the center on top. Draw two small dots inside the ears

Step 3: Draw a curved line to make the back

Step 4: Next, draw the tail. It curves in the opposite direction of the back and it is longer than the body

Step 5: Draw the legs and feet. The legs are crossed and the toes are long, beginning in the middle of the foot

Step 6: Draw the arms and hands starting and ending on each side of the knee

Step 7: Draw a tree branch for the Macaque to sit on. Make smaller branches and lines for extra detail

Interesting Facts about Rhesus Macaques

Rhesus Macaques naturally come from Southeast Asia. They live in India, Southern China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Bangladesh. Rhesus Macaques are light gray to brown and have hairless faces. They grow to be 8-9 inches long. A Rhesus Macaques arms and legs are the same length making them very quick and hard to catch. A natural viewing of these monkeys is almost impossible since most Rhesus Macaques have moved out of their home forests and into urban areas. The monkeys are known to beg for food and steal from passer-byes.

Did you know?

  • 93% of a Rhesus Macaque’s diet based on begging scrapes from humans.
  • Highly adaptable animal. They learn fast and are quick to action.
  • Rhesus Macaques were often used in animal testing for various diseases. Things like Small Pox, HIV, and Polio.
  • Rhesus Macaques have a very structured social interaction.
  • In the early 1930s a colony of Rhesus Macaques found their way to a Florida island. It was believed that local showman set the monkeys loose to create a jungle attraction.

Activity: Speaking of Monkeys an old stand by for kids is the classic game. “Monkey See, Monkey Do.” Start by leading the kids in a mirror game. The child is to make every move they see you do. If they don’t mimic it right, then then player is out. Keep playing till there is a winner.
