How to Draw an African Golden Cat

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an African Golden Cat in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the African Golden Cat.

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How to Draw an African Golden Cat - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Let's begin with the head. Draw the line up into two ears, then down into a nose and mouth, leaving a gap at the back.

Step 2: Let's give the face some feline detail - finish the ear with a curved line, draw an almond shaped eye, a circle for the nose, and three lines for the whiskers.

Step 3: Let's start the body - draw the top line, curving it down then up, and then another small line down from the jaw.

Step 4: Now we can draw the African golden cat's legs - draw both back legs and a choppy line for the cat's belly.

Step 5: Draw the front legs - this wild cat is only about twice the size of a domestic cat.

Step 6: This part is easy - draw a small oval behind the hind leg for the tail.

Step 7: The last part is adding detail to the body. Draw some spots and lines for the pattern.

Interesting Facts about the African Golden Cat

The African golden cat (Caracal aurata) is a wild cat that lives in West and Central Africa. African golden cats range from two to over three feet long, and their colors range from reddish-brown to grey. They prefer to live in dense forests near water.

Did you know?

  • They are able to climb, but they mostly hunt on the ground.
  • Their main diet consists of rodents, small birds, monkeys, and small antelope.
  • These cats spend a lot of time hidden and alone, and most of what is known of them is from their behavior in captivity.
  • They were believed to be rare for a long time, and the population is difficult to track due to its solidary nature and dense habitat.
  • While there is little hunting in Africa for the African golden cats, their habitat has been heavily destroyed by the building of roads, the depletion of prey animals, and the cats being caught in traps meant for other animals.

Lesson plan note: Due to the fact that it is near threatened, a lot of conservation efforts have been made to protect the African golden cats. Discuss what kind of changes could help save any animal that is very difficult to study due to its habitat and avoidance of humans.
