How to Draw a Dugong

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Dugong in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Dugong.

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How to Draw a Dugong - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: The Dugong is a large ocean animal related to the Manatee and can be found in 37 countries. Draw a smooth curved line to start drawing the Dugong.

Step 2: Next, add the mouth and the eye. The mouth is shaped by two rectangular shapes on the front. The eye can be drawn by a small circle near the top.

Step 3: Now draw two long lines for the body. Make sure they come closer together further down for the tail. The Dugong can grow to be up to over 13 feet long and can weigh up to over 2,000 pounds! Some people call them 'Sea Cows.'

Step 4: Now, add the front flipper by making a round shape with a long round cone shape at the end.

Step 5: Add the next flipper by drawing a smaller triangle shape behind the first flipper.

Step 6: To draw the tail, add two lines that go outward from each other. Then, add a 'v' shape in the middle to close it off. The Dugong can swim down to 128 feet deep. Color the Dugong dark brown or gray.

Interesting Facts about the DUGONG

The Dugong is a member of the mammal family and the scientific term for them is Dugong dugon. The word “dugong” comes from the Tagalog language meaning “lady of the sea.” Other common names are sea cow, sea pig, and sea camel. They are related to a type of animal called Serenia, which are named through inspiration of the legendary Sirens of Greek mythology, that were supposed to be mermaids.

Did you know?

  • The animal was first documented in 1776.
  • This species is found in 37 countries.
  • They are able to live up to over 70 years old.
  • The most that they can go without breathing is a span of 6 minutes.
  • They can swim down to 128 feet deep.
  • The animal can weigh up to over 2,000 pounds.
  • They commonly grow up to over 13 feet long.

Relatives of this type of animal include manatees and the extinct sea cow. Most of these animals exist in northern Australia. Babies maintain contact with their mother and are threatened by crocodiles, killer whales, and sharks. They’re the only herbivore in the ocean, but are often hunted by humans for their meat, and are vulnerable to extinction.
