How to Draw an Ibex

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an Ibex in 10 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Ibex.

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How to Draw an Ibex - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: The Ibex is a smaller type of goat. Let's draw one by starting with the head. Make two sets of curved lines that meet down at the bottom. Also draw two leaf shapes at the outer ends for the ears. Add some small lines inside the ear for detail.

Step 2: To start drawing the face, add two small ovals for the eyes, which are pretty far apart.

Step 3: To add the nose, draw a small u shape in the middle of the head, with two other curved lines underneath for the mouth.

Step 4: Let's start adding the horns. Draw two long, curved lines to make a point at the end. The horns also have many ridges along them.

Step 5: Add the second horn to the other side of the top of the head.

Step 6: Now, for the back, draw a smooth round curved line around to the left and then fill it in with a few other short lines for detail.

Step 7: For the chest, draw another circular line on the right. Bring the first leg down with two lines and end it with the two nails.

Step 8: add the second front leg the same as the first.

Step 9: Now add the hind leg by drawing a line bent in the middle behind the front leg.

Step 10: Finally, add the last hind leg with another two toes down at the bottom. You can color the Ibex brown or gray.

Interesting Facts about the Alpine Ibex

The Alpine Ibex, or simple ibex, is a type of wile goat that can be found in the mountains of the European Alps. The ibex is able to climb up these mountains so well because they are very agile animals with strong, cloven hoofs that are almost shaped like suction cups. Though they are very similar to common goats, they are easy to distinguish because of the huge horns that are found on the males.

Did you know?

  • These goats are normally brown or gray
  • Male ibexes normally get to a height of 90 to 101 cm, have a total body length of 149 to 171cm, and weigh around 67 to 117cm when they are fully grown adults.
  • Female ibexes are often much smaller, and also grow smaller horns on their heads
  • The male ibex’s horns curve up and backwards, and then turn down at the tip. The horns also have many ridges along them
  • A male ibex’s horns grow to be around 69 to 98 cm!
  • Ibex’s spend most of their days eating, since they only eat grasses mostly as well as sometimes eating moss or flowers, and these foods don’t have a high nutritional value
  • Both males and female ibexes have a shaggy beard. Imagine what your mom or grandma might look like with a long shaggy beard!