How to Draw a Bent-Toed Gecko

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Bent Toed Gecko in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Bent Toed Gecko.

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How to Draw a Bent Toed Gecko - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: The bent toed gecko is a type of lizard that can be found in many parts of the world. In fact, new types of this gecko have been found in the last few years! The bent-toed gecko gets his name from the way his toes look – they are bent or curved. To draw a bent toed gecko’s head, start with a lopsided ‘U’ shape.

Step 2: Draw a line for the mouth and another line for one of the eyes. Then draw an oval and place a small circle in the middle of it for the gecko’s other eye.

Step 3: Draw two lines parallel to one another to make the gecko’s body.

Step 4: Make two ‘L’ shaped lines for the leg, and then add a small hand with five fingers.

Step 5: Draw the same thing on the side of the gecko’s body for the other front leg.

Step 6: Draw a back leg, similar to the front legs, but backwards. Be sure to draw his foot as well!

Step 7: The other back leg will be just like the first one, but this time, draw three toes on his foot.

Step 8: Last, draw his long curving tail. Like many lizards, a gecko can lose his tail and it will grow back.

Interesting Facts about Bent-Toed Geckos

There are about 1,500 species of geckos, and at least 135 of them are bent-toed geckos, which are also called bow-fingered geckos. Geckos are a type of lizard. Bent-toed geckos got their name from their curved toes. They are native to Asia.

Did you know?

  • All geckos are polyphodonts – animals that are able to replace their teeth. They have 100 teeth, which they can replace every three to four months.
  • Although bent-toed geckos are all found in Asia, one species – the rainbow banded gecko – can be found in Queensland, Australia.
  • You can tell the difference each type of bent-toed gecko by the patterns on their skin.
  • Like all other species, they have special glands on their toes that help them stick to surfaces without falling off.
  • In some species, females do not need males to give birth to their offspring. This is called parthenogenesis.
  • Some species are also able to change the color of their skin.

A new bent-toed gecko species (scientific name Cyrtodactylus boreoclivus) was found in 2011. It was discovered by scientist Paul Oliver in the rain forests of Indonesia in the Foja Mountains. This area is often referred to as the “lost world” because it has only been recently explored by people.
