How to Draw a Black-Footed Cat

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Black Footed Cat in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Black Footed Cat.

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How to Draw a Black Footed Cat - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: For the head, draw an oval with a slight bump on the bottom side and two triangular projections on the upper side.

Step 2: Draw a small angle in each triangle to define the ears, two lines on each side of the face, and four lines at the top of the face. In the center, draw two ovals with circles in them for eyes, and a small upside-down triangle with a soft W-shape below it for the nose and mouth.

Step 3: Draw a straight line angling down from one side of the head.

Step 4: On the opposite side of the head, draw a straight line down. Next to it, draw a V-shape that ends in a rounded point with two small lines in the point for a paw.

Step 5: Behind the front legs, draw a line angling back and slightly upwards for the belly. Next to it, draw two hook shapes angling down and towards each other. Connect them with a long U-shape with two small lines in the bottom to create the hind leg.

Step 6: Between the belly and upper part of this leg, draw a curve. Next to the lower part of the leg, draw a similar U-shaped paw.

Step 7: Close of the gap at the rear end with a curve for the tail.

Step 8: Draw a striped pattern all over the body. Done! You can color it light brown with dark brown or black patterns.

Interesting Facts about the Black Footed Cat

The Black Footed Cat is a nocturnal cat of the arid land of Southern Africa. They are normally found in open, sandy grassy habitats with sparse scrub and tree cover. Their optimal habitat seems to include savannah areas with high rodent and bird densities in high grasses.In the daytime, they will live in abandoned burrows dug or termite mounds. In one year a male will travel 8.5 square miles while a female will only travel up to 4 square miles. A male will overlap his territory by one to four females.

Did you know?

  • These cats are poor climbers due to their short tails and stocky bodies making it awkward to climb.
  • It is known for its bravery and tenacity.
  • The Black Footed Cat is listed as “vulnerable” on the endangered species list.
  • Observed with closed eyes waiting outside a rodent’s hole, they are not asleep and just waiting for the animal to come out of its hole.
  • These cats will sometimes hide their dinner for later.

Possibly the smallest species of wild cat in Africa, the black footed cat has an average weight of 2.4 to 4.2 pounds when it is fully grown. The females are normally smaller than the males like other animals.
