How to Draw a Cliff Swallow

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Cliff Swallow in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Cliff Swallow.

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How to Draw a Cliff Swallow - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: First draw the short, round head of your cliff swallow. The beak should be short and come to a fine point.

Step 2: Next, draw the face starting with the details of the beak as seen on this photo and ending with the curving lines that outline the face.

Step 3: Then, draw the body. Make one line from the back of the bird's head and one line which curves out from the bird's neck to create its puffy chest.

Step 4: Draw the tail by making a collection of elongated U shapes that overlap one another.

Step 5: Draw the wing by making a line that connects to the tail of your bird and curves at the top to touch the birds neck.

Step 6: Lastly, draw the feet of your bird as you see them in this picture. Be sure to give the bird sharp talons by making the feet come to fine points.

Interesting Facts about the Cliff Swallow

The cliff swallow is found in North and South America. They spend summers in North America and winters in South America. They grow to about 5.1 inches in length, have a wingspan of 11 to 11.8 inches, and weigh 0.7 to 1.2 ounces. The cliff swallow builds their nests on cliffs, bridges, large trees, or buildings. They live in grasslands and river edges. Cliff swallows eat flying insects.

Did you know?

  • The cliff swallow is social and is usually found in large groups.
  • Cliff swallows fly in intricate aerial patterns to catch insects.
  • This species is a long distance migrant that travels during the daytime.
  • They migrate in groups of up to several hundred.
  • Cliff swallow eggs are white or creamy in color with brown speckles.

Lesson plan note: Cut large pieces of butcher paper into a wing shape. Give each child two wings and have them color them. They can color them with markers, colored pencils, or crayons. Then, tie the wings to each child’s arm with string, attaching the string to the underside of the wings. Have the children form a circle and have them flap their wings and fly around the classroom pretending to be a cliff swallow.
