How to Draw a Comma

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Comma in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Comma.

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How to Draw a Comma - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: The Comma is a type of large butterfly often referred to as Angel Wings. Start by drawing a small circle with an 'M' on top for the mouth. Now, add two circles in the side for the eyes. These butterflies feed on nectar from plants such as thistles, knapweeds, and bramble. Lastly, add two long lines going up with a loop at the end for the antennae.

Step 2: Now draw a large furry oval for the Abdomen.

Step 3: For the bottom of the abdomen, draw another furry oval, but draw a jagged line down the middle for detail.

Step 4: Add the first wing by drawing a curved line going out from the top part of the body. Notice the raggedy end and pattern inside the wing.

Step 5: Now, add the second wing on the right side of the body. The wingspan of the Comma is around 45mm.

Step 6: Next, add the first bottom wing by drawing another small raggedy shape at the bottom. Don't forget to add the pattern!

Step 7: Now add the last wings on the bottom right and your Comma is finished! Color the wings of the Comma a vibrant orange color with black or dark brown markings.

Interesting Facts about the Comma

No, this isn’t about the ever important punctuation mark, this is about the beautiful butterfly! These butterflies are from the Nymphalidae family and are known for their interesting shaped wings that often referred to anglewings. These butterflies can be found in parts of northern Africa, as well as Europe and parts of Asia.

Did you know?

  • The top of the wings are a vibrant orange color that has black or dark brown markings but the underside of the wings look a lot like brown leaves which is a defense mechanism because it is a camouflages them.
  • On the underside of the wings, if you look closely, you can see a small white marking that looks like the letter C that got knocked over, or a lot like a comma, which is how this butterfly got its name
  • The wingspan of these butterflies is around 45mm
  • The adults feed on nectar from different plants such as thistles, privet, knapweeds, and bramble
  • The female comma lays as many as 275 eggs at a time that are all green in color, until they turn yellow and then gray when they are about to hatch
  • Like the underside of their wings, the caterpillar state that they are in is also good at camouflage because they are black and white to look like bird droppings