How to Draw a Green Tree Frog

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Green Tree Frog in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Green Tree Frog.

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How to Draw a Green Tree Frog - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Draw a curved angle with a small curved line along the bottom.

Step 2: Add a bump on the top end. Draw a small dot in the point, a circle with a black circle within it in the middle, and a smaller circle to the side of that.

Step 3: Draw a line with a bump in the middle from the back of the top of the head.

Step 4: Draw a curve from the bottom middle of the head.

Step 5: Draw a line that goes down from the cheek to the middle of the body, down under it, then turns back and forth into three rounded points and connects to the body. Draw one rounded point just above the first foot.

Step 6: Refer to the image as a guide, and draw a sideway U that points to the belly. Draw a V pointing in the opposite direction that overlaps with the U. Connect the U and V shape with a four-pronged shape. Connect the point of the V to the back of the body with a curve that goes up and meets the rear end. Done!

Interesting Facts about Green Tree Frogs

Green Tree Frogs are brown spotted frogs that live only in India. They live near mountain streams and perch in bushes close to the water so they can escape if need be. This frog only lives in the Nilgiri Hills in the Western Ghats.

Did you know?

  • Like all frogs, Green Tree Frogs are Amphibians.
  • Also known as the Montane Tree Frog.
  • Green Tree Frogs build “Bubble nests” for their eggs to hatch. It is a jelly sphere that rests on the water. When the tadpoles are ready hatch, they drop down into the water below.
  • The Western Ghats are a mountain range that runs the entire west boarder of India.
  • There are 179 species of Amphibian in the Western Ghats.
  • Many species of animal in the Western Ghats are endangered because the logging industry. Parts of the mountain range have been farmed for trees which caused problems for the animals that live there.

Lesson Plan Note: Animals only found in certain parts of the world are great subjects for science classes! The Western Ghats is considered one of the most diverse regions for wildlife. Explore the diversity with your class! 5000 species of flowering plants, 139 mammals, 508 birds, and 325 of those are considered endangered species!
