How to Draw a King Cobra Head

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a King Cobra Head in 11 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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How to Draw a King Cobra Head - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Draw the head with a curvy sideways "U" shape.

Step 2: To continue the head, draw a slightly curved line in the open space a the back of the head.

Step 3: Draw a small, dark dot at the front of the head for the nose, and add 2 curved, pointed triangles below the head for the fangs.

Step 4: Now add the right eye. If you have trouble, you can draw a diamond, narrow at the end closer to the nose, and wider at the back.

Step 5: Add a large circle within the eye for the iris, and a small dark circle within the iris for the pupil.

Step 6: To draw the jaw, begin a short way behind the fangs, and draw a curvy "U" that connects to the back of the head. A arched line goes in the middle.

Step 7: Add another arched line within in the jaw, shorter than the first one and curving the opposite direction, along with one short line at the back of the jaw.

Step 8: Draw a narrow, dark, forked tongue coming from the front of the mouth. It should come to two small points at the end for the fork. Shade the back end of the mouth where the jaw meets the head.

Step 9: For the body, add a long, wide, curved line coming down from the top of the head, one "S" shaped line coming back from the jaw, and a curvy line coming down from it.

Step 10: Following the body's outside shape, draw an upside down "U" within it.

Step 11: Add several horizontal lines within the previous line.

Step 12: Your king cobra is complete!

How to Draw a King Cobra Head - Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a King Cobra Head – Step-by-Step Tutorial
