How to Draw a Seagull

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Seagull in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Seagull.

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How to Draw a Seagull - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Let's draw a seagull! Draw an oval-like shape for the body, but be careful! Make one side of the oval smaller than the other, ending it with a pointy tail.

Step 2: On the bigger side of the oval, start tracing upward to create the neck, then add a circle at the top of the body for the head.

Step 3: Make a beak for your seagull by tracing curbed lines that are still pointy at the end. Don't forget to draw a line through the middle for the mouth. Also, fill in a circle in the face for an eye.

Step 4: From underneath the seagull's body, trace two squiggly lines that end in a triangular shape at the bottom for the leg and foot. Trace another smaller triangle inside the foot.

Step 5: For the second leg, trace a line down along the first leg and end with only part of the foot since most of it is hiding.

Step 6: On the back, draw a line down the side of the seagull, curbing it back up to trace along the back. There's your wing! There you have your seagull! Did you know that seagulls mate for life? They take turns caring for their young.

Interesting Facts about Seagulls

Seagulls are the birds you most often find at the beach. They live on every continent. Although some prefer to live near the water, others usually build their nests in barns, buildings, and other locations that are typically up to one mile away from the shore.

Did you know?

  • Seagulls mate for life. They take turns taking care of their babies, which are called chicks.
  • Seagulls have a claw on their lower leg that they use to hold on to ledges and other surfaces so that they do not fall.
  • On average, seagulls live for about 7 to 15 years.
  • Seagulls eat practically anything. Their diet includes clams, rodents and insects. If you ever see them on the boardwalk, they would love it if you shared your French fries with them!
  • Unlike other animals, seagulls can drink saltwater as well as freshwater. They have special glands above their eyes that filter the salt out of the water so that they can safely have a drink.

Seagulls are highly intelligent. They can teach and learn different kinds of behavior that help them gather food. Seagulls also use different sounds and body movements to communicate with each other. Some species have been observed to use tools.

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