How to Draw a Wedge-Tailed Eagle

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Wedge Tailed Eagle in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Wedge Tailed Eagle.

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How to Draw a Wedge Tailed Eagle - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Start by drawing the head. There are two curved lines that look like boomerangs. They meet at the right side in a sharp pointy beak.

Step 2: There is a mouth line at the bottom of the beak. Under the top part of the head and beakdraw a large round eye.

Step 3: Continue the top head line back and down to the left.

Step 4: Connect the back of the body line to the right head line with a long curved line. This is the wing line. Make it a little bumpy.

Step 5: At the very back of the wing line draw the tail line. It continues to the left and ends in a series of loops to make the tail feathers. Bring the tail line back around to the right.

Step 6: Under the eagle draw two curved lines to make the tree branch for the eagle to perch on.

Step 7: From the bottom of the wing line draw a line straight down to the branch. Draw three very sharp talons that grip the branch. Draw the back of the leg back up to join the tail feather line.

Step 8: Finally, draw the feather patterns along the wings and tail. There are a series of long lines along the tail and some shorter curved lines along the wing and neck.

Interesting Facts about the WEDGE-TAILED EAGLE

The Wedge-Tailed Eagle is a member of the bird group and the scientific term for them is Aquila audax. This species derives its name from the diamond-like shape of its tail feathers. Other common names for this creature are the Wedgie and the Eaglehawk. They are found in Australia and New Guinea. This animal is the largest bird of prey on the continent, and one of the largest in the world.

Did you know?

  • This animal was first documented in 1802.
  • The length is up to over 3.5 feet long.
  • Their wingspan is up to over 11 feet wide.
  • They may grow up to almost 13 pounds.
  • The nests can be made almost 20 feet tall.
  • They can fly up to about 6,000 feet high.
  • This creature hunts within 40 square miles of home.

They can strategically drive sheep off of cliffs and use teamwork within their species to kill large Red Kangaroos. Their vision transcends infrared and ultraviolet areas of the visible spectrum, which helps to locate animals and detect areas of warm air that helps them remain airborne without flying. These animals have a low population amount, but are considered to be the least concern for the possibility of extinction.
