How to Draw an Egyptian Goose

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an Egyptian Goose in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Egyptian Goose.

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How to Draw an Egyptian Goose - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Begin with the outline of our goose's head. See how it looks the same as when you make a shadow puppet on the wall? Curve the goose's head down to a beak point and we'll add some detail next.

Step 2: Draw a line to separate the beak from the rest of the head. Add some fine detail - a dash for his nose and an oval for his eye! These kinds of geese usually have yellow eyes - remember that for when you want to add some color!

Step 3: Let's give our goose a body. From the beginning of the neck make a large, cruved line for its chest. At the base of the neck, draw another sloping line with a ridge towards the back. This will be where we add in the wings!

Step 4: This goose wants to fly! Add in the wings. Draw a sharp almond. Let it come down to a sharp point along the body while leaving a gap open towards the chest.

Step 5: Our goose can fly for a long time - but let's give him some feet for when he lands! Draw two lumpy column shapes with lines that show his webbed feet at the bottom.

Step 6: Draw our goose's tail and add some details. Egyptian geese have very distinctive patterns on their wings - try out some shapes! Around the goose's eye add a wide oval.

Interesting Facts about Egyptian Geese

Egyptian Geese were once thought to be sacred animals to the Egyptians. The animal is a member of the duck family. Egyptian Geese are native to Africa and the Sahara. They are a dusty light brown with dark brown patches on their chests. Their legs are bright pink like their beaks; the noticeable feature is the thick dark brown rings around their eyes. Egyptian Geese grow to be 63 to 73 centimeters long. Their wingspan is usually 134 to 154 centimeters across. Egyptian Geese are plant eaters. They grasses, seeds, and grain.

Did you know?

  • After mating season, a group of Egyptian Geese will meet up to molt. Molting is when a bird loses its feathers to get new ones in their place.
  • Egyptian Geese stay in the same body of water for their whole lives. The only time they will leave a home area is when predators chase them out of it.
  • Egyptian Geese were so popular as pets, that eventually stray and abandoned geese formed a population in England. In 2009, the Egyptian Goose was labeled a nuisance.
  • Chicks will leave a nest after 75 days.
  • An Egyptian Goose can live for 14 years.

Theme: Egyptian culture is rich and engaging. Transform your classroom into Egypt for a week and teach your students about Nile River and the ecology of the area.
