How to Draw an Orange-Bellied Antwren

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an Orange Bellied Antwren in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Orange Bellied Antwren.

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How to Draw an Orange Bellied Antwren - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: The first step in drawing the Orange-bellied antwren is to draw its head and face. It has a round eye with a black and white head.

Step 2: Then we need to draw the body. Draw a rounded belly with a little bit of body pattern lines and an almost flat back.

Step 3: The next step is to draw the wing. The antwren is a small bird so it doesn’t need big wings.

Step 4: Next, draw the feathers on the wing.

Step 5: Then draw the tail. The tail is almost square with feather patterning drawn in.

Step 6: The last step is to draw to foot and a branch for it to sit on. Have the toes wrap around the branch.

Interesting Facts about the Orange-Bellied Antwren

First identified in 1983 the Orange-Bellied Antwren is found only on the east coast of Brazil. It’s most commonly spotted in the forests of Mrici, Pedra Talhada, Usina Serra Grande. They are often seen in flocks of mixed species, even during their breeding season with individual pairs spotted rarely.

Did you know?

  • Orange-Bellied Antrwren’s have only been recorded at 8 sites in Brazil and those habitats are getting smaller.
  • It’s estimated there are only 350-1500 individual Orange-Bellied Antwrens left in the wild.
  • Scientists believe the Orange-Bellied Antwrens breeding season is between November and Februrary.
  • Their nests have been found 10-12m above the ground in the dense foliage of trees.
  • Orange-Bellied Antrwrens are now only found in 8 specific areas of the Brazillian coast due to loss of habitat.

Lesson plan note: Orange-Bellied Antwrens are found in only a few small areas of coastal Brazil. Have students design a school-awareness project centered around the Orange-Bellied Antwren to show how logging is affecting rain forest species. Showing maps of how their range has been shrinking compared to how the ranforest has been shrinking over the last several decades.
