How to Draw Gumball From The Amazing World Of Gumball

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw Gumball From The Amazing World Of Gumball in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Gumball From The Amazing World Of Gumball.

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How to Draw Gumball From The Amazing World Of Gumball - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1:

Step 3:

Step 7:

Interesting Facts about The Amazing World of Gumball

The Amazing World of Gumball began on Cartoon Network in 2011, centering on Gumball Watterson and his adventures. While Gumball is a 12-year-old blue cat, his friends and family are a wide range of different animals and objects, as everything in their town has the power to come to life. Gumball and his brother, Darwin, often accidentally get into trouble due to their rambunctious tendencies and naivety.

Did you know?

  • Every episode is two words long, beginning with the word “The”.
  • The show was created using several rejected characters from previous work, combining them into a new series.
  • Darwin, Gumball’s adopted brother, is a pet goldfish that one day grew legs and talked.
  • The show was originally going to air on Adult Swim, but was changed into a more whimsical show.
  • The main character was intended to be a placeholder, not a final character.
  • Gumball and his classmate, Penny, have crushes on each other but have trouble telling each other.

The show is animated with many different mediums, using Claymation, computer generated and hand drawn animation. Ben Bocquelet, the creator, intended the series to have a mix of many “misfit” characters and styles.

How to Draw Gumball From The Amazing World Of Gumball - Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Draw Gumball From The Amazing World Of Gumball – Step-by-Step Tutorial
