How To Draw a Passenger Pigeon - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Passenger Pigeon

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Passenger Pigeon in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Passenger Pigeons Passenger Pigeons are long since extinct. However, science and literature have kept the memory alive of these birds through books and educational displays. By 1914, “Martha” the last known Passenger [...]

How To Draw a Painted Turtle - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Painted Turtle

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Painted Turtle in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Painted Turtles Painted Turtles are the only turtles to be native to North America. They are very common and can be found all over North America, South Canada, and Northern Mexico. Painted [...]

How To Draw a Nurse Shark - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Nurse Shark

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Nurse Shark in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Nurse Sharks A Nurse Shark is a shark that lives near the bottom of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans. They like living near sandbars and coral reefs. A Nurse Shark [...]

How To Draw a Mongo - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Mongo

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Mongo in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Mongos Mongos are critically endangered fish in Africa. They are only found in Lake Barombi Mbo, in Cameroon, New Guinea. The lake is freshwater and in a tropical area. The longest an adult [...]

How To Draw a Mayfly - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Mayfly

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Mayfly in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Mayflies Mayflies are a common flying insect in North America. The Mayfly has three stages that bring it to adulthood. They begin as an egg laid in water like a pond or lake; [...]

How To Draw a Lemniscia - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Lemniscia

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Lemniscia in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Lemniscias Lemniscias are land based snails that breathe air. They are critically endangered and can only be found in Portugal. To be specific they are found on the Madeira Islands. Lemniscias like to [...]

How To Draw a Jackdaw - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Jackdaw

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Jackdaw in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Jackdaws Jackdaws are small crows that live in Europe. The common bird is black with shiny gray neck feathers. They measure 13-15 inches long with a 64-73 inch wingspan. The Jackdaw likes to [...]

How To Draw a Great Blue Heron - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Great Blue Heron

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Great Blue Heron in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Great Blue Herons The Great Blue Heron is a big water bird that lives near large bodies of water. It doesn’t matter if it is salt water or fresh water; the [...]

How To Draw an Earthworm - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw an Earthworm

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw an Earthworm in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Earthworms The Earthworm was brought over to the United States. It first lived in Europe. The animal does not have a spine and pushes itself through dirt to get around. Earthworms are very [...]

How To Draw a Dung Beetle - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Dung Beetle

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Dung Beetle in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about Dung Beetles Dung Beetles have a dirty job. They are nature’s pooper scoopers. Dung Beetles collect dung so they have enough to eat. When they get ready to lay eggs, the Dung [...]