How To Draw a Pike - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Pike

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Pike in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Pike The Northern Pike, also simple known as the pike, is a type of meat eating fish that can be found in parts of Europe, Asia, Canada and northern parts of the [...]

How To Draw a Horseshoe Crab - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Horseshoe Crab

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Horseshoe Crab in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Horseshoe Crab Horseshoe crabs are a type of marine arthropods that can be found in shallow oceans with soft sand or muddy bottoms in areas around the coast of North America [...]

How To Draw a Comma - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Comma

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Comma in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Comma No, this isn’t about the ever important punctuation mark, this is about the beautiful butterfly! These butterflies are from the Nymphalidae family and are known for their interesting shaped wings that [...]

How To Draw a Bongo - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Bongo

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Bongo in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Bongo No, this isn’t a musical drum, this animal is actually a type of wild antelope that are commonly found in Africa. These antelopes are actually very easy to be able to [...]

How To Draw a Blackbird - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Blackbird

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Blackbird in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Blackbird The blackbird can be found in Europe, Asia, and North America naturally while it has also been introduced to Australia and New Zealand where the birds are considers pests. There is [...]

How To Draw a Beluga Whale - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Beluga Whale

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Beluga Whale in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Beluga Whale The beluga whale, also called white whales, is an arctic and sub-arctic whale. This whale also goes by the names melonhead and sea canary: melonhead is a name describing [...]

How To Draw a Barn Owl - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Barn Owl

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Barn Owl in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Barn owl Barn owls are the most widely spread type of owl as well as most widely spread of all birds in general. Barn owls are bale to be found on [...]

How To Draw a Sperm Whale - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Sperm Whale

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Sperm Whale in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Sperm whale The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales as well as the largest of all toothed predators, not just in the sea! These massive animals on average [...]

How To Draw a Naked Mole Rat - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Naked Mole Rat

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Naked Mole Rat in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Naked Mole Rat The naked mole rats, also known as sand puppies and desert mole rats, are burrowing rodents from Eastern parts of Africa. Though they are called naked mole [...]

How To Draw a Mao - Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Mao

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Mao in just a few quick steps, but first… Interesting Facts about the Mao The mao is a pretty olive green bird with a striking emerald green streak at the base of its eye. This bird is very good at camouflaging with its surrounding tree [...]