How to Draw a Baby African Elephant

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Baby African Elephant in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

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How to Draw a Baby African Elephant - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: First, draw the head and trunk making sure to curve the trunk and leave a small indention at the end to grab things.

Step 2: Draw in the mouth where the trunk begins near the face and the eye just above it.

Step 3: Draw the ears making sure the one in the back is only barely visible curve above the front one.

Step 4: Draw in the curve of the back and the tail at the end. Be sure to make the tail thin and not too long.

Step 5: Draw in the left feet and the belly and be sure you put in the curve for the elephant's knee in the back leg.

Step 6: Draw in the right legs, making sure to put a bend in the front leg.

Step 7: Draw in the fine details to complete the drawing such as tiny lines for wrinkles.

Step 8: Your Baby African Elephant is finished! What will you do next?

How to Draw a Baby African Elephant - Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Baby African Elephant – Step-by-Step Tutorial
