How to Draw a Cute Buck Deer

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Cute Buck Deer in 5 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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How to Draw a Cute Buck Deer - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Start by drawing an eliptical shape with pointed right end for the head. Now draw a tiny circle at the pointed end for the nose and a curved line below that for the mouth. Now draw a small circle in the middle of the head and shade it in for the eye. Draw two leaf-shaped ears on either sides of the top of the head.

Step 2: Next we draw the horns. Draw two branch-like horns arising from the top of the head with smaller branches at the bottom and longer ones at the the top. Make sure the ends of the branches are pointed.

Step 3: Now we draw the body by drawing a curved fuzzy line arisingfrom below the head and looping vertically at the bottom. Now draw another fuzzy curved line from behind the head and curve it at an angle of 90 in the middle.

Step 4: Now we draw the front legs by drawing two loop-like legs below the front body. Make the elft front leg straighter than the right. Mak the right front leg cirved at an angle of 45 in the middle. Make a small triangular hoof at the end of both legs.

Step 5: Draw the tail by drawing a small cone-shaped thing at the back on the left end of the body. Now draw two back legs below that with small triangular hooves at the bottom. Make sure the legs are wider at the top and thin at the bottom. Raw a curved line between the front and hind legs for the belly.

Step 6: Your buck deer is now complete!

How to Draw a Cute Buck Deer - Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Cute Buck Deer – Step-by-Step Tutorial
