How to Draw a Simple Frog for Kids

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Frog For Kids in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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How to Draw a Frog For Kids - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Frogs begin life as a tadpole and then undergo metamorphosis to become a frog. We will begin our frog by drawing an ellipse for the head.

Step 2: Draw the body as a second ellipse below the head.

Step 3: Frogs have powerful legs that allow them to hop great distances. Draw the frog's legs as curved lines angled away from the body.

Step 4: Draw the frog's feet as wavy freeform with three lobes each. A frog's feet function like flippers to allow it swim fast.

Step 5: Draw the frog's front legs as two sets of straight lines that converge slightly.

Step 6: Add the frog's front feet by drawing a smaller version of the freeform that you drew in Step 4.

Step 7: A frog's eyes are big in relation to its head. Draw each of its eyes as two circles, an open one and a shaded one. The shaded one will be inside the open one. Make sure to leave the top corners of the shaded circles white to give a reflection effect.

How to Draw a Frog for Kids - Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Frog for Kids – Step-by-Step Tutorial
