How to Draw a Peregrine Falcon

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Peregrine Falcon in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Peregrine Falcon.

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How to Draw a Peregrine Falcon - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Draw the head with a semi-circle that has an indent for the beak, and then hooks inward and curved back around downward for the neck.

Step 2: Add a circle with a dot at the bottom for the nose, a circle inside an oval for the eye, and two lines which curve and meet for the beak.

Step 3: For the body, use a line that curves out than in on the left side. Draw some more lines coming off the head to better define the head.

Step 4: Draw the wings by making a long shape that is round on one side and pointed on the other. Make sure to add lots and lots of lines for the feathers.

Step 5: Add some long lines to the end for the tail, making sure to make indents at the end to define the feathers.

Step 6: To draw the leg, start with coming down from the wing, making a quick line up occasionally to draw feathers. Then have horizontal lines coming out to draw the talons, making sure they curve down to show how sharp they are.

Step 7: The other wing is mostly hidden, so it will just be two bumps on the left side of the body. Your Peregrine Falcon is now done!

Interesting Facts about Peregrine Falcons

Peregrine falcons are the fastest of all falcon species. These powerful birds can fly as fast as 100 miles per hour or more. Female peregrine falcons are known to be more powerful and larger than males. Peregrine falcons live all over the world, except in arctic regions.

Did you know?

  • The scientific name for peregrine falcons is Falco peregrinus, which translates to “falcon wanderer.” They got this name because they are known to be frequent travelers when it is not nesting season.
  • On average, peregrine falcons grow to be about 15 inches long, and their wingspan is 40 inches.
  • Peregrine falcons live to be about 17 years old.
  • Peregrine falcons usually eat medium-sized birds. They dive down and grab their prey with their large talons. Oftentimes, the birds they attack are in mid-flight.
  • Not only are peregrines the fastest flying birds, but they have the highest diving speeds of all as well. They dive at an average speed of 200 to 220 miles per hour.

Female peregrine falcons lay three to four eggs. Both parents take turns keeping the eggs warm by sitting on them. This is called incubation. About three weeks after the eggs are hatched, the babies (called nestlings) become ten times bigger than they were at birth. Forty days after birth, they learn how to fly.

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